No. 70 Earth series: how to communicate with spirits of the land with amy dempster
Amy Dempster is a grid keeper and portal tender, working with the Spirits of the Land and the healing energies of nature. She is also the host of the Following Hawks podcast and she leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others re-establish their connection with their ancient ancestors.
In this episode, we discuss:
🍃The journey that moved Amy halfway across the country, and eventually to the land she lives on now
🍃How to communicate with the spirits of the land and working with guardian spirits to clear and protect the energy in your home
🍃Energetic portals: what are they and how to work with them
🍃Plus Kyley talks to her tree again and Eva still loves plants
“Our bodies can’t help but find resonance to whatever we are nearest and if that’s our phone that’s a very different frequency than a tree”
“The frequency of the Earth is our natural frequency”