Episode 17: Eva Takes Mushrooms, Kyley Smashes the Patriarchy
Episode Notes
Eva took mushrooms, and unpacks her very cerebral trip with us on the podcast. And Kyley takes another swing at the patriarchy and talks about witches.
“Acceptance to me is another word for love. And love dissolves all fear and all ego. ”
“I think we have been sold a bill of goods that we are allowed fleeting moments of peace and satisfaction if we prove ourselves good enough. The truth is, underneath all of that, waiting to burst out, is pure, radiant divine love, which is our true nature of being. ”
“I associate femininity with being weird and crazy. Which is conditioning literally from witches being burned at the stake. And this is the story that so many women carry, which is that I am too much.”
“Are you interested in your own healing journey? The most powerful way we can heal the world is to heal our own shit, and you can’t skip over that. It’s just window dressing otherwise.”