Episode 12 Careers and Witches with Jessie DaSilva

Episode Notes

Jessie DaSilva is a psychic business coach and a hilarious, practical, and wise human being. We discuss: 

  • Shifting from Catholicism to a less structured faith and personal spirituality⁠

  • The power of owning the label of being a witch⁠

  • Tarot and astrology as a "language" of spirituality for Jessie and her clients⁠

  • How clearing out clutter makes space for spiritual growth⁠

  • Jessie's journey returning to her intuitive gifts, and connecting with her empathic friend⁠

  • Manifestation and what "faking it till you make it" really means⁠

  • SUPER practical business and work tips including: how to take care of yourself when you're working a job you hate, job hunting, and how to network in a way that doesn't feel gross

I just had this moment where I was like, “Fuck this, I’m calling myself a witch. I’m calling myself a witch cause that feels right to me. And there was no turning back after that.
— Jessie DaSilva
I’m kind of with Nietzsche on religion, religion is the opiate of the people, but I almost take that in a really positive light. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, it just matters how I interact with it….I don’t think any one person is right. I think everybody is right, because it’s all individual.
— Jessie DaSilva