No. 105 What does it *really* take to grow a podcast? with Kyley and Eva
This week, peek in on a business meeting about the podcast and what Kyley and Eva are excited about and what they want to improve. In the disconnected eco-chamber of social media, the podcast feels like a more intimate place of connection and is deeply loved by both.
Some things discussed:
* Strategy and action items to grow the podcast
* Balance of how much growth and being rooted in being and doing right
* Belief and believing in what is possible
* two people being incredibly earnest and genuine the love of the creation process
* The growth edge and how fear shows up
* being yourself enough to get what I want.
“We are not one monolithic. We’re made up of many parts, right? So, some part of you can be believing the doubt, even as another part of you isn’t. To reject the doubt is actually to reject that part of you. We can’t be whole if we’re busy rejecting ourselves.
The doubt is beautiful. Welcome the doubt because it has some wisdom or at the very least exists so, rejecting it is a waste of your energy.”
“With any creation process, there is no guarantee. We don’t know that we’re gonna get what we want, so all we can do is trust and put one foot in front with the belief the we will.”