Episode 1: Welcome to Hello Universe: An Introduction to Kyley and Eva
Welcome to Hello Universe, a show about spirituality in our real, everyday lives. This first episode features your valiant co-hosts, Kyley & Eva, interviewing each other on their personal background and spiritual beliefs.
Kyley’s experience growing up Catholic, how her mom taught her to be radical, and her influential Zen Buddhist aunt and uncle
Eva’s experience growing up without religion and simultaneously with persistent faith
Unlearning spiritual baggage
The freedom and space that comes from recognizing that we don’t know
How bed bugs helped Eva become a life coach
How difficult experiences push us towards spiritual transformation
Spirituality as a practical, everyday practice of showing yourself self-love
Grace that comes when we surrender to the lesson
“All the books that I was reading were like, ‘You gotta believe in something bigger than yourself,’ and it was like a switch that went off that reminded me of when I was a kid. And I was like, oh my god, I forgot. I forgot that I used to believe that.”