Episode 24: The Field of Infinite Possibility & Breathwork with Alyse Bacine

Episode Notes

Alyse Bacine guides growth-seeking individuals to radical Metamorphosis through breathwork and her psychic gifts, and she is our guest this week. In this episode we discuss: 

  • Alyse's personal journey, including her superpower of staying awake while meditating laying down in bed

  • Breathwork -- what is it, how it works, the transformation it offers

  • Integrating spirituality in motherhood and at work

  • BLM, privilege, and the constant work of unlearning racism

  • Plus: aliens!

When you think about it, you cant take a breath in the past and you cant take a breathe in the future. So when you’re forced to focus on your breathing, you’re forced to think about the present moment and the present is the field where all possibilities exist.
— Alyse Bacine